Mallorytown can trace its roots back to the early 1900’s because in December 2003 a book about Sir Isaac Brock was returned…94 years late — the due date was December 23rd, 1909. The story made headlines across Canada.
There was a 30–40 year hiatus when there was no library in Mallorytown. The present library was founded in 1975 and opened in the old store on Quabbin Road (across from the railway tracks and now converted into apartments). Jenny Koerber was the librarian. The library moved to the lower level of the Oddfellows Hall on Quabbin Road in 1990, and Jack Tennant took over as librarian. Jack retired in 2002. That year the present building, the former Masonic Lodge, was completely renovated. It now houses the library on the lower level and a community meeting hall upstairs.
Diann Turner took over as librarian in 2002. There have been many changes including: increased library use and book circulation, and the move to the new facility. A flood in September 2004 resulted in the evacuation of the library, and more renovations including a new entrance, and full accessibility with an elevator and power operated doors.
We take an active role in the community and extend a welcome to many social and cultural groups in Front of Yonge. We have a special relationship with our local school, and were delighted when the Front of Yonge School Council and the students in 2004 provided the funding for the library to purchase a new book cart.
In November 2008, Donna Hunt was appointed as the CEO of the Library and retired March 2016. Lisa Marston was appointed the new CEO of the library in March 2016
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