
Volunteers play a vital role in our library. Even a few hours can make a big difference. Working on the Circulation Desk, entering new acquisitions, shelf-reading and reshelving books, helping with special programmes, your contribution is greatly appreciated.

Our volunteers — be they students, adults, or retired people looking for something worthwhile to do, make a great difference to the quality and range of services we can provide. Front of Yonge township is fortunate to have 8 volunteers devoting priceless hours in supporting the library and our community. Our board members, student volunteers, Friends of the Library members, and many others work together to enhance programming, keep our facility in good shape, raise funds, and bring a wealth of ideas and enthusiasm to the library.

Volunteers are the heart of the comminity and we depend on them at the Library.

Every year during National Volunteer Week we take the opportunity to raise a salute to all of our volunteers, past and present, whose dedication and hard work so enrich our library.

To find out how you can help please contact the library’s CEO.