Lending Policy

1.0 Membership
Membership in the library is free to all Front of Yonge Township residents. People residing outside the township but owning property within the municipality shall be considered residents. A non-resident fee may be charged by the Board, at the discretion of the Board.

No fee will be charged to residents of Front of Yonge Township for admission to the library, for use of the library’s materials in the library, for borrowing circulating materials, or for use of the basic reference and information services.

Library cardholders are responsible for all material charged out on their cards, and subject to any fees or replacement costs.

A resident of Front of Yonge Township may apply for membership at the library and must furnish verification of address and identity by showing a document bearing his/her name and current address.
1.1 Fines and Fees

The fine for any overdue books shall be $0.25 /library day/book beginning October 1st, 2010 .

An annual fee of $15.00 per family or $10.00 per person shall be charged to out of township residents using the Front of Yonge Public Library.
1.2 Lost or Damaged Materials

Delinquent borrowers shall be notified by telephone. A typed notice shall be sent after a period of time, augmented by telephone reminders. Delinquent borrowers shall receive a final notice, together with an estimated value of the materials overdue (or lost or damaged). The borrower shall then become financially liable for the replacement costs of the said item(s), and lose all borrowing privileges until the said item(s) is paid for (or returned in the case of overdue books). Replacement costs shall be determined by the CEO, having regard for condition of the said item(s), market value, and processing costs.
1.3 Responsibilities of Membership

Fair and equal access to library services and materials by all members of the library depends on the fair use of such services and materials by library users. Members have certain responsibilities and a library member shall:

Be responsible for all materials borrowed with his/her card or number and agree to abide by the regulations of the Front of Yonge Township Library.
Present his/her library card when materials are borrowed, as needed.
Report a change of name or address as soon as possible.
Pay all fines or charges incurred for overdue, lost, or damaged library materials.
Observe all policies set by the Board as authorized by the Public Libraries Act.
Parents or guardians of members under the age of 12 are responsible for their children’s borrowing and behaviour with respect to the board policy.

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is authorized by the board to withhold library privileges to anyone refusing to comply with board policy. The CEO may also limit the number of books signed out by an individual to a maximum of five (5). The use of the library or its services may be denied for due cause. Such cause may be failure to return borrowed materials or pay penalties/charges; destruction of library property; disturbance of other patrons after a warning by library staff has been ignored by the user; or any other conduct on library premises considered objectionable by library staff.
1.4 Hours of Operation

Library services will be provided during the hours which best meet the needs of the community. The library will be opened and staffed adequately at the given hours of operation.

Hours of operation will be reviewed at the discretion of the board and may be revised depending on needs and finances.
1.5 Loan Restrictions

Materials will be loaned for a 3-week period, and may be renewed. Loan periods may be automatically extended in certain circumstances, primarily for holiday loan.

Some loan restrictions may apply for certain high loan items (new bestseller books — no renewal), or certain types of materials. Patrons are restricted to a quantity of material that they can reasonably use within the given borrowing period.
1.6 Objectionable Materials

Individuals objecting to certain materials in the Library should advise the CEO, in writing, what their objections are to the material. The Board shall be the final arbiter of any objections.

Such reported material may carry the following warning: “Some people may find this material objectionable in language and/or situation.”
1.7 Weeding/Discarding

Materials and equipment will be weeded / discarded at the discretion of the CEO to assure an up-to-date resource, and safe, reliable equipment. The CEO may endeavor to sell discarded items where feasible and practical.
2.1 Telephone

The Library telephone is reserved for library business only and may not be used by the general public except in emergency situations or unusual circumstances.
2.2 Donations

Donations of money made to the Front of Yonge Township Public Library will be acknowledged and a tax receipt issued. At some point, an honour roll of donors may be prepared for display in the library.

Other items donated, where practical, will indicate the donor. All donated items are subject to the library’s policy on weeding/discarding, without further recourse to the donor, unless the CEO deems otherwise in certain instances.
2.3 Copyright

Library staff reserve the right to restrict access to the photocopier when it appears that the “fair use” aspect of copyright is being infringed.
2.4 Interlibrary Loan

Library materials not available at the Front of Yonge Township Public Library may be requested through interlibrary loan. Inquiries may be made at the service desk. Any charges made by the lending library are the responsibility of the borrower.

To ensure appropriate use of interlibrary loan, the Library will adhere to the terms of CLA/ASTED Interlibrary Loan code in all its transactions.

For more information, please contact the Library CEO: Lisa Marston