5p to 8p TH

The Front of Yonge Library is now OPEN to the public during our regular hours.

A limit of 8 people in the library at a time.  Others may wait upstairs or outside.
Customers are asked to use the provided hand sanitizer and wear a mask at all times while in the library.
We request people practice physical distancing by staying at least 2 meters (about 47 library books) from other people who are not from your household.
Returned books and items used in the library for longer than 30 minutes will be properly isolated before we check them in and recirculate.
The public washrooms are open and are sanitized at the beginning of each day the library is open and after any community room bookings.
Curbside Pick-up is always available.  Phone ahead for this service 613-923-1790

The event is finished.


P.O Box 250
76 County Road 5 South,
Mallorytown, Ontario,
K0E 1R0
Telephone: (613) 923-1790

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Library Hours

Tuesday:   9:00 am – 7:00 pm

Thursday:  9:00 am – 1:00 pm
Thursday:  4:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Saturday:   9:00 am – 1:00 pm

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