Limited TU

The library will be OPEN during limited hours.

Tuesday 9am to 1pm

Thursday 1pm to 5pm

Saturday 9am to 1pm

(additional times may be provided upon request)

The library will open for full hours once Step 3 of the Ontario Roadmap to Reopen is reached.


> A limit of 6 people in the library at a time.  Others may wait upstairs or outside.

> Customers are asked to use the provided hand sanitizer and wear a mask at all times while in the library.

> We request people practice physical distancing by staying at least 2 meters (about 47 library books) from other people who are not from your household.

> The public washrooms are closed to the public.

> The Library will not be accepting book or material donations at this time.

> Working within the Provincial and local health authority guidelines, we have put in place a number of precautions to ensure our materials are safe to be handled and picked up by staff and the public.

> Staff has been trained on how to safely operate within the guidelines and everyone is expected to follow physical distancing rules at all times.


CURBSIDE SERVICE will always be available to our patrons upon request.  Phone ahead for this service 613-923-1790

Special arrangements may be made for delivery.

The event is finished.


P.O Box 250
76 County Road 5 South,
Mallorytown, Ontario,
K0E 1R0
Telephone: (613) 923-1790

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Library Hours

Tuesday:   9:00 am – 7:00 pm

Thursday:  9:00 am – 1:00 pm
Thursday:  4:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Saturday:   9:00 am – 1:00 pm

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